Location: Honolulu, Hawaii
After two nights at a hotel near SFO, we made it to Honolulu Airport with four suitcases and four carry-on bags.
I'm surprised at what my absolute necessary items are; my checkbook and extra checks, some cash (because I don't have a bank account in Hawaii yet), my journal, laptop, my back up hard drive, two bath towels and two coffee mugs. I had a change of clothes for four days.
We rented a car and drove to our new apartment. We needed to pick up our keys from our landlord. Happy, happy, we were in Hawaii and heading to our new place. Not happy, the place hadn't been painted after the previous tenant moved out.
The Hilton Hawaiian Village became our home for the next three days. We needed to let the paint smell leave the apartment and we had no furnishings.
We lugged our belongings with us, stopping to leave our most precious items with a trusted friend. The Hilton was so accommodating and it was nice to have a place to crash that had everything there.
For dinner that night, I did what every native Californian does - I found Mexican food.
Our new place is unfurnished, and since we sold/donated/gave away all our items, we had to go shopping. I went to bed anxious to purchase bedding and dishes.
Ah, my well-planned intentions were foiled. I woke up with a sore throat and stomach pains. I was sick.
I slept all day in the comfy Hilton bed and I thank God for the Jewish mother who came to Oahu and left her Matzoh Ball soup recipe with C.J.'s Deli in the Hilton Hawaiian Village. Mark made sure I ate my soup and went to sleep. The next day I was able to open a bank account and meet the delivery men for our new bed.
For our last night at the Hilton, we went to dinner on Waikiki Beach. The sunset welcomed us to Oahu.
Remind me to tell you about last night...and our 11 pm tour of the parking garage.
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